HAED Rotation

Sunday, August 11, 2024


 The move is done now just the organizing and deciding what stays or goes. My daughter told me she will disown me if I even think or buying or starting any more craft projects. LOL.

I did make progress on A Little Bit of Magic that I am doing for my grandson. I don't have a current total picture. This is the last one I took. I am now making my way up the left hand wall. Hoping to reach the top by the end of August.

Here is the current status of the wall.

I'm getting closer. 

I do this SAL with a group of very talented stitchers. Please check out their stitching via the links below.

AvisClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret, Jackie

SunnyMeganDeborahSharon, Daisy, Cathie

LindaMaryMargaret Helen

Until next time HAPPY STITCHING

Sunday, July 21, 2024


 Nothing to show this time. We are in the middle of moving so not much stitching time. I will be back with progress for the next update.

Stitch on.

Monday, June 10, 2024


 I'm late I'm late for a very important date. I was so engrossed in my stitching I forgot to post yesterday and I completely forgot the last update. My apologies.

I have been making great progress A Little Bit of Magic that I am stitching for my grandson Theo. He just turned 7 months old on 6/7.

This is the last full pic I took

I have made good progress since then and the blue book is closer to being finished. This is my progress from yesterday

I do this SAL with a group of very talented stitchers. 

Please check out their projects.

AvisClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret, Jackie

SunnyMeganDeborahSharon, Daisy, Cathie


Until next time 


Sunday, April 28, 2024


 It's that time again and I made good progress on A Little Bit of Magic. I am really enjoying this and am amazed that I have been monogamous on it since Nov 2023. Go me.

Last time you saw it it looked like this.

I am pleased to say that I have reached the right side of the bottom. Lots of fun stitching there. Now to complete that purple book soon I hope.

Here it what it looks like now.

I do this SAL with a group of very talented ladies. Click the links below to see some amazing stitching.

AvisClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret, Jackie

SunnyMeganDeborahSharon, Daisy, Cathie


Until next time HAPPY STITCHING.

Sunday, April 7, 2024


 I am still staying monogamous on this one for my grandson Theo. I think I made good progress since the last update.

Here is where you saw it last.

I am now almost across the bottom to the right side. 

I am now at 42,965/166,000 stitches. 

I am really loving this and hope to keep up my goal of stitching on it everyday and doing a minimum of 200 stitches a day.

I am doing this SAL with a group of very talented ladies. Click on the links below to see their amazing stitching.

AvisClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret, Jackie

SunnyMeganDeborahSharon, Daisy, Cathie


Until next time happy stitching

Sunday, March 17, 2024


 Wow that was a fast 3 weeks. I am still being monogamous on my grandson's project A Little Bit of Magic. I have made good progress again this 3 weeks. Last time you saw it I was at 19.02% and 4,979 stitches.

Now I am at 22.35% and 5,832 stitches. 

I am meeting both of my goals with this. Stitch on it everyday and at least 200 stitches a day.

Here it is now.

I'm sorry to hear that Heidi has left the SAL. Follow the links below to see a lot of stitchy goodness.

AvisClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret, Jackie

SunnyMeganDeborahSharon, Daisy, Cathie


Until next time HAPPY STITCHING.

Sunday, February 25, 2024


 I hope everyone has had good stitching time the last 3 weeks. I know I have. My goal on A Little Bit of Magic is at least 200 stitches a day and stitching on it everyday. So far I have stitched on it everyday since 11/9/2023 and met or exceeded 200 stitches a day. I saw that I was neglectful in showing you the inspiration for my monogamous stitching (I haven't touched anything else since 11/9/2023).

This is my first grandson Theo James. He was a month early and had a slight heart issue but he is now almost 4 months old and growing and thriving. He really is A Little Bit of Magic.

When you last saw this on 2/4/2024 it was here.

Since then I have added 4,979 stitches and it is at 31,271/166000 18.84%,

The best thing I ever did was start using Pattern Keeper. It does all the figuring for me and makes stitching much faster.

Here is today's starting point.

I do this SAL with a group of very talented ladies. Be sure to check out the links below to see some amazing stitching.



Daisy, CathieLindaHelenMaryMargaret

Until next time HAPPY STITCHING.

Sunday, February 4, 2024


 I am pleased to say that I have been meeting both of my goals and exceeding the stitch goal.



I am very please with my progress and hope I can continue it in Feb.

I do this SAL with a group of very talented ladies. Click on the links below to see their wonderful work.



Daisy, CathieLindaHelenMaryMargaret

Until next time HAPPY STITCHING.

Sunday, January 14, 2024


 Good morning everyone. Currently -19F here and snowing. Great stitching weather.

I have made good progress on A Little Bit of Magic. My grandson Theo is a good motivation. 

Last time you saw it was in Dec and it looked like this.

I am happy to say I have made great progress on it. In December I did 8,832 stitches on it and am now at 15,689/16600.

So far in January I have done 3,504 stitches and am now at 11.55%.

I set 2 goals for my self.  1. I will stitch on it everyday

                                          2. I will do at least 200 stitches every day.

Here is where it is now and also today's starting point.

Theo is doing great and I am excited to see how long it takes me to finish this. Nothing else is even whispering.

I do this SAL with a group of very talented stitchers. We all work on different projects so be sure to check out the links below.



Daisy, CathieLindaHelenMaryMargaret

Until next time HAPPY STITCHING.