HAED Rotation

Sunday, June 17, 2018


Good morning stitchy friends. Time to share another stitchy update. Can't believe it has been 3 weeks already. Where does the time go. I thought once I retired I'd have lots of time for stitching and knitting. Hmmm still not enough hours in the day. If I didn't have to sleep or clean house I would have more time. If anyone knows how to do that I would love to know. Okay I've babbled long enough. Time to get to why you are here.

This was 3 weeks ago. Play Ball Randal Spangler HAED

This is today
Not as much progress as I had hoped but every stitch counts.

This is what has been distracting me from my stitching for the past 3 weeks.

Meet Penny our new Irish Setter puppy. She is 11 weeks old. I forgot how much work puppies are LOL.

I have also been knitting a lot. I seem to be addicted to dishcloths lately.

I have probably bored you to death by now.  I am doing this SAL with a group of very talented stitchers. Please check out the fabulous stitching that they do.  If you are interested in joining us you can contact Avis for details.

Till next time. Stitch on


  1. That's a very respectable amount of progress, and I think the knitting probably counts too, it's a 'needle craft', isn't it?

  2. I think you've made good progress! I'll your line "every stitch counts" though on my next update if I make little progress because it's true both metaphorically and literally. I mean, our projects usually have some counting in there, technically!

  3. Every stitch counts! I love your washcloths. They can be addictive. 😀
    Your puppy is adorable!

  4. Oh my, puppies are such a lot of work, good thing they are adorable! I think you made good progress, definitely a noticeable difference!

    1. Thanks Kathy. I had forgotten how much work they are. Old people should not have puppies LOL

  5. You’ve made tremendous effort with your new puppy! Even ours who is six years old demands a lot of attention.

    1. Good thing she is cute. LOL. I adore her. Hopefully will get in more stitching this time.

  6. Such a cute puppy! It´s no wonder you haven´t had the time to stitch with a puppy in the house!

    1. Thanks. She is really cute and smart too. Almost too smart for her own good.

  7. Omgoodness, so cute! No wonder you have no time and have to do more cleaning. :) Great progress nonetheless, and I get in those moods too. It's socks for me right now.

  8. I've also got back into knitting. There's only so many socks anyone needs but I'm addicted!

    1. I know the feeling. How many dishcloths do I really need. I am also knitting some for friends.

  9. Now your dragon (alligator? crocodile?) will be able to catch since you've stitched his mitt. And ... LOOK AT YOUR PUPPY!!!!! I would certainly be distracted by her!!!

  10. What a gorgeous puppy - a great excuse for being distracted! I am enjoying your colourful dishcloths too x

  11. Hello dishcloths! They are on my list of things to do too! Do you use cotton, my grandad made me some - over 10 years ago and I want to follow in his footsteps, he is no longer with me to tell me what I need to do!

    1. Yes I do use cotton. Makes a wonderful dishcloth.

  12. That's really good progress, considering all the confetti. I look forward to seeing your next installment!

  13. I would say you've made lots of great progress! And your new puppy is so cute! How fun :)
