HAED Rotation

Sunday, August 11, 2024


 The move is done now just the organizing and deciding what stays or goes. My daughter told me she will disown me if I even think or buying or starting any more craft projects. LOL.

I did make progress on A Little Bit of Magic that I am doing for my grandson. I don't have a current total picture. This is the last one I took. I am now making my way up the left hand wall. Hoping to reach the top by the end of August.

Here is the current status of the wall.

I'm getting closer. 

I do this SAL with a group of very talented stitchers. Please check out their stitching via the links below.

AvisClaireGunChristinaKathyMargaret, Jackie

SunnyMeganDeborahSharon, Daisy, Cathie

LindaMaryMargaret Helen

Until next time HAPPY STITCHING