As I mentioned previously I have an issue with the fabric on Chocolate Chocolate and More Chocolate. My friend who does beautiful hardanger says it can be fixed but I need to stitch closer to stabalize the fabric. Right now I am not able to do that. I sit and look at it and then put it away. Hopefully soon. Until then I am changing projects for the SAL.
The new project is one that really deserves some dedicated time. This was the first HAED I every purchased and I still love it. I started it in 2/2010. Then I started discovering other artists and the rest is history. You all know how many I am stitching. LOL.
This is where the suck it up comes in. The part I'm working on is very confetti heavy and I get bored easily. The other day he called to me and I said: "Self it is time to put on your big girl panties and get on with it" so I did. This is my progress since Friday. Please say hello to: