HAED Rotation

Sunday, January 1, 2023


 I hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year. Unfortunately the flowers have not been calling me. I will be switching to an oldie but goodie and one that has been here before. I am doing a 15 day rotation this year. There will be a new project everyday. I decided that The Universe in a Jar will get progress every 15 days or so and that I will use it for the SAL for now. 

I am doing this SAL with a group of very talented stitchers. Please visit their blogs to see some beautiful stitching.




Till next time HAPPY STITCHING.


  1. A great idea to make progress on your wips! Happy new year!

  2. I can't imagine switching every day, but I know that helps projects move along. I can't actively work on more than 3-4 at a time. Others just sit back and wait. I will enjoy seeing your progress on this project. Happy New Year!

  3. Thats such an interesting concept - have never heard of this. But sounds like a perfect way to get so many projects done

  4. I used to work in a rotation but found nothing seemed to be getting done. When I joined this SAL I decided to contentrate of the ones with the least amount left to do and clear them one at a time. I think at that time I had 17 wip's and now once Wildlife is done there are only 3 or 4 more to do. However when that happens I may start rotating them again as there is quite a lot to do one all of them. Good luck with your one a day rotation lol it sounds fun.

  5. Enjoy your new rotation. Sounds fun.
