First up is my stitching assistant Elvira who takes her job very seriously.
This one is "Gee Mom are you sure that's right?"
And this is "What? Am I in your way?"
Next is Jim's restart on Echo of the Buffalo by Teri Rosario. If you remember the silly man didn't listen to me & started this 1 over 1 on 25 count lugana. Since he "Saw the Light" he has been busy restarting it 2 over 2 on the 25 count Lugana. This is his progress in 10 days. He is slightly past the point where he was when he started over.
Last but not least is my progress on Afternoon Tea. Again I got myself into a situation where I was getting bored with it. The section I was working on was large areas of black.
So what's a girl to do when she gets bored. Not stitching is not an option so I pulled out Reading by Firefly Light & have been happily stitching away using pretty greens,blues & browns. Pictures of this will be added next Sunday.
Well that's all for now. See you next week.