2 big things have happened since my last post. We got safely moved back to Montana and are loving it. The other big thing is that I FINISHED TRAIN OF DREAMS. Yeah. I actually finished it on my birthday the end of July. It isn't framed yet because I have to save up for that. Hopefully I will be able to frame it by next year.(LOL).
I am now working on Chocolate Chocolate and More Chocolate. This is also a Randal Spangler by HAED. I am stitching this one for my oldest daughter and since she is hopefully coming for a visit by June or July of 2017 I hope to have it finished by the time she comes so she can take it home with her.
Since we have been back in Montana we have been getting out and doing more than we ever did in Massachusetts. We have been to a couple of lectures on bears (very informative), taken a couple of trips back to my hometown of Fort Benton, visited my cousin in Kalispell, visited Glacier Park, and gone on a boat tour of Gates of the Mountains. Busy busy busy.
My son Matt and his girlfriend Steph came to spend a week with us and went to Glacier Park and Kalispell with us. So good to see them. Too short a visit though.
Weather here is starting to turn to fall and the mornings are crisp and the sky is usually a beautiful blue. We have had some chilly days and also a small frost last week. I love fall so this weather is fine with me. Time to plan my hibernation for the winter with my stitching.
I have also been getting the urge to bake lately. Don't know where that came from as I like to cook more than I like to bake. My husband and daughter don't object though.
Well I have rambled on long enough. I will try to do better about posting.
I leave you with some pics from Gates of the Mountains.