HAED Rotation

Sunday, December 18, 2016

3 Week SAL Update

Wow. That time again already. Time just seems to be flying by. I have made some progress on The Universe in a Jar. Of course like everyone else not enough as far as I'm concerned but any progress is good. Hoping for much more by next update.
Here is where I was 3 weeks ago and where I am as of today.

Please stop by these blogs to check out the great stitching being done by my SAL mates.

 Merry Christmas to all.


  1. I love the depth of the colours in this one. Keep going and you'll get there :-)

  2. Excellent progress, I love the colours in this one.

  3. This is quite an epic project. The shading is really nicely done, I will love watching this progress in the coming months! Glad to have you stitching with us, Cindy!

  4. Great progress! It's a lovely piece of work, and the colours are wonderful.

  5. Great progress on this beautiful WIP.

  6. Cindy, that is excellent progress. Love watching this grow.

  7. Your embroidery is great and so are your progress!

  8. Awesome progress. I love the swirls of colours on this beauty. Great job! xo Alicia
